Saturday, May 15, 2010

skrang sy d ranau, borinkkk gilaa, tiada maw buat..tpi sy ada misi, sebelum cuti sy ada ckp yg sy maw diet, itu misi sy, tpiiikannn sy d ranau ni makann ja, mcam mana maw jaga badan nii? jaga lemak daripd kurang adalah..haiz~~! susahlah cam ni...d mana2 sy berjalan, d ctula makanan yg sedap2 d sediakan, tpi sy akan cuba, sy maw kci kecik sy punya lengan badan ni n paha, besar owh, klo pakai dress nnti tu lemak jatuh2 ni euwww...mesttii tpi sy x janji hehehe.
misi kedua sy, sy maw jaga mukaaa, d cni sy ada ckp, sy maw kurangkan makan lada, tpi bnyak pengaruh, d rumah kmi d kelilingi oleh lada, d mana2 berjalan d ctulah lada...argg!!! pengaruh, tpi btul juga, klo x lada x brapa selera maw makan, bgi sy la, sebab sy biasa makan lada dari berumur 12 thun lagi.. terbiasa sudah..but sy mesti kurangkan makan lada, elakkan dari pertumbuhan staphylococus (jerawat) , ini x leh jadi ni, sy mesti stop! ehh bukan stop cuma maw kurangkan sjaa..ada siapa2 yg maw beli lada, d rumah kmi banyak, pelbagai jenis lagi, ada lada sarawak, thailand, n n n n n x taw namanya c..haha...

Keluarga Raja Lada hahahahax..that's us!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My dog gory..sick again, pnyakit Gory datang balik attact him, i'm so worry right now, dulu ok2 lagi, not that worse, but now it's getting more worse, i can't see him in pain and suffer, i just can't stand to see gory pain anymore, but a few minutes later, he's ok but then the sickness came back... i was sooo worry, gory is like a family for us, if he gone, it feels like loosing a family member..lagilah tears. i hope gory kembali c hat seperti selalu, periang and so fuuny and he can show us tricks again..He's getting older, ya i know...i love gorryy very2 much..!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Meaning of Flower and Color

Mother Nature

Some people love flower but some are not, as we all know there are variety of beautiful, unique or even wired flower that we can or can’t found..

BUT did you know each kind and color of flower had a special meaning?

A WHITE rose means “You are Charming and Good”.

A YELLOW rose mean “I am Jealous”

A RED rose mean “I Love You”

Well not just roses has the meaning, but other flower such as carnation, jasmine, lilies and violets had a special meaning too.

Here are the meaning each of the flower.


A red carnation mean Admiration.

A pink carnation on Mother's Day mean Mother.

A white carnation mean a Good Luck Gift to a woman


A white jasmine mean Cheerfulness

A yellow jasmine mean Timidity


A white lily mean Sincerity and Motherhood

An orange lily mean Hatred

A purple violet mean Modesty

Before you send a flower to someone special in your life, please think carefully.

Even today, a man may send red roses to a woman to tell her that he loves her, but we have forgotten most of the special meanings of other flower and their colors.

Sending flowers to people that we care and love means that we’re thinking of them.

I love Flower!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

This is a story about a ghost..

I have stayed in the hostel for about 11 month now, and everything is went well but something is started bothering us..

It is started at night when me and my other roommate were sleep at the next room. the room is different from my other room where i use to sleep ..the light was switch off, and room is dark, you can only see a splash of light from the outside, but it's still dark from the inside.On that night all of my roommate were asleep, but i'm still awake because i don't feel very comfortable with the environment, i felt something strange around me, but i don't want to think to much, i just think positively. me and my friend name diana still awake that night, she also can sensed something strange. The structure of our bed is double-decker, i sleep ups and my friend sleep down

when my friend turn around at the left, she saw something standing not far from her, she saw something sitting that cover it head with a long hair, and it scare her, then slowly she run off and goes to her cousin place to stayed there for a night. now that night only me who still awake..first i felt soooo hot in the room, it very hot!, my body is sweating because of the heat..then suddenly i can't move my body, i tried my best to move around but it is so hard, in my heart i prayed and prayed so that thing will leave me aloned, then suddently everything going back to scared me hell omg...afer that, i goes out from that room without telling my other roommate( haiz~~'' their sleep like an angel, why can't i) to my room where i supposed to stayed. i turn on the light and the fans, for about an hours i goes asleep peacefully..wah!!

and that's it, my experience in the lot 6.. the place is very scary, what i know about the hostel is that, their a use to be a women ages 40 or 30 stayed there and kill her self by eating a pill that can kills people. it is a very sad story...maybe her spirit is still stuck in this world..

The end.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


All of us have a friends, right? everyone wants a true friends right? many of us believe that friends can be called true friends, but it is true?. Do you know what kind of relations do friendships share? when will we call our friend a true friends and when can our friend except us as their true friends?

well friendship are the most precious and important relationship. Although all of us have a family but most of the people relay on friends for advice, comfort and inspirations.

One Very Good Friend

The very first sign is a very good friend not a true friends are not worried about courtesies. we will call our friend and talk about what on our mind for about an hours without though of the time, it is similar to when we need a support, we will call our good friend and ask her or him to help us. In the same way, their also expect the same situation. Another important trait of such relations is that we are not much worried about exposing ourselves. we speak everything what in our mind without thinking consequences about what would our friend think.

A True Friend

There a a little more similarities between a very good friends and true friends, a true friend will support you and understanding your motives, needs and always be with you without criticism. A true friend will come forward to help you and be with you without expecting in return. That's a true friend.!!....A true friend will always be there for you although some other people opposed your decision. A true friend means to have someone, someone who I respect to is very special in my life is my mother and father, same goes to my sisters, brother and cousin. i'm so lucky to have a true friend..

My beloved mother..

RoCk and RoLl cousin

Cousin!! Peace

My dear cousin